In recent days, Vectorworks and Artlantis users have been having problems with OSx 10.7 Lion.
I’m still using Vectorworks 2008sp3 with 10.6 Snow Leopard with Artlantis 2.0, because, for me, it is the combination that works the best due to the plug-in; but in recent days I have been testing Sketchup with Maxwell render and after several months i have reached several conclusions.
1.-My machines are using 10.7 with Snow Leopard but ¿what’s going to happen if I buy a new Mac? I will have to spend a lot of money to buy a 1012 license update with a new Mac.
2.-Artlantis is in the same situation. I am not going to spend lot of money to update it for a new license.
3.-Sketchup is free, and the Pro version is very cheap.
4.-Sketchup has 1000% more libraries than Vectorworks.
5.-Sketchp has a lot of free plug-ins to install, and in some cases better than Vectorworks.
6.-Sketchup can export to the Maxwell render, the best render sofware in the market, and use all of these libraries.
7.-Maxwell is a thousand times better than Artlantis, an can use the professional IES ilumanation files directly from companies’ sites and standard cameras.
8.-Maxwell is also cheaper than Artlantis.
9.-If I need to use an organic model i can use Blender / Indigorenderer a 145€ plattaform!!
10.-If i still nedd to change Autocad files, I can use DraftSight
Conclusion: for 2012 the plan is to start changing the platform Vectorworks/Artlantis to the cheaper, though better, Sketchup/Maxwell.